Tournament Series Summary
The Galactic Championship event series is an online X-wing 2.5 competition. There are 5 qualifying events that will lead us to crowning an X-wing Galactic Champion in 2022!
All Qualifiers in the series are 2-day Online X-Wing tournaments utilizing the Table Top Simulator and the Unified X-Wing 2nd Edition module.
Each event will be run like an in-person X-wing event (Synchronous). Each round for all players will start and end at the same time. All 5 rounds of Swiss will be played consecutively with one short break after round 3.
Players are expected to respect each other's time and follow all instructions in order to keep the event running smoothly. Players who show up late for synchronous events will be removed from the tournament WITHOUT a refund.
This will be played as a Premier level event. Players are expected to have a working understanding of the rules of X-Wing 2.5 and be comfortable the basic functions of Table Top Simulator. Lack of knowledge of how to use the basic functions of TTS or personal technological failure will also result in you being removed from the tournament WITHOUT a refund.
Day of Schedule​
Day 1 (Saturday)- Swiss​
9:29 am - Sign into discord and wait in "Event Ready Room" voice room
9:30 am - Player meeting/Announcements begin
9:40 am - Tables are assigned for attendance taking, wait in your assigned table on discord
9:?? am - Return to "Event Ready Room" voice room when tag/pinng for players has been made.
~10:00 am - Round 1 pairings go up and Round 1 timer begins.
~11:40 am - Round 2 timer begins
~1:20 pm - Round 3 timer begins
~3:00 pm - Break
~3:20 pm - Round 4 timer begins
~5:00 pm - Round 5 timer begins
~6:40 End of Day Announcements
Sunday - Top Cut (All 4 win Players)
Same Schedule as Saturday
Single Elimination Rounds continue till Final
Optional 20 min Break if players want it before Final
Final will only be 75 min.
~3:00 or ~4:45 pm Final timer begins.